Mobile Services

Our company sends experienced fingerprint technicians to our client's locations throughout the New York New Jersey area. We are tble to offer fingerprint services at the convenience ofour client's office or home. In addition, we have provided our services in libraries, post offices, airports, Starbucks or any other venue our clients request. We travel to on premises fingerprinting on an appointment basis and are available all hours of the day, evening and weekends. We always arrive in professional attire for the most part go unnoticed as we blend into the look and feel of the company.

We exercise great patience with our Mobile Services. We gladly wait for meetings to end, for executives to get off the phone or trading desks, or for doctors to finish with a patient. On a house call we patiently waited for a client to finish their meal or put their children to sleep. Our technicians will also remain at a location for an extended period of time and this is excellent for situations where large quantities of applicant need to be printed i.e. Training Sessions, Board Meetings or staff shift changes.

The benefits our Traveling Mobile Fingerprint include the convenience of not having to leave your home or office. Our service is fast, efficient and does not take much time. We often compare the value of our clients time to our mobile service charge and most often they actually save money by having us come to them. Our service is great for large quantity fingerprints as this can be done in one location at a single setting. Our equipment is completely portable and lightweight and work perfectly on a boardroom or cafeteria table. Cleaning of hands after printing is very easy and can be done in a few minutes in the bathroom sink.